Thursday, 25 July 2013

DSDN 144 Project One: Space Proposal

For my first project proposal I will look at creating an alternate space out of an existing space. This comes from my first photo shoot as well as the first images I posted on my blog, the Christoph Jacrot Series "Paris in the Rain". In this series Jacrot took a few photos of the reflections cast in the water on the pavement below. He then flipped the photos which made this less obvious changing the viewers perspective. Now the photos appear as though you are looking up.

 I like how flipping a photo of a space can make the image change so drastically. However instead of using Jacrot's technique of the reflection I believe that I can achieve a similar result with the use of repetition of line and symmetry at the site of my first shoot as well as potentially other sites.

First Shoot: Photos flipped

These are four of my favourite images from the photo shoot. Here I have flipped them either 90 degrees or 180 degrees to give a different sense of perspective. They are not entirely successful, I believe the second and fourth image give a clearer sense of an alternate space created from a different space. I like the idea of how flipping an image completely alters the photos and what makes the images more successful is such things as symmetry and repeating lines, much like the clear horizontal lines created by the stairs.

First Shoot: Massey Memorial and construction site, Buckle Street

This is my first photoshoot of the memorial and construction site on Buckle street where they are currently constructing the underpass. I walk past this site everyday and I found it quite interesting as there is a lot going on. There is also a real contrast between the construction site and the memorial it stands in the shadow of. The memorial is currently covered with a bright red mesh but the stone steps and features around the base, give an essence of what it is like.
For this shoot I used Aperture or AV on my SLR camera. It was quite difficult to hold the camera steady, therefore the majority of the photos have come out rather blurry. This creates a nice quality in some ways, but I think I would have made it easier on myself to bring a tripod, or use a different aperture. I really love the light qualities of some of these photos however. 

Friday, 19 July 2013

Research Post: Silencio by Thomas Jorion

Here is some interesting photographs taken by Thomas Jorion who focuses on primarily abandoned spaces. These photos bring out the derelict quality of each space and confuses the viewer of the direction they are looking in. I do not know if I am looking up, down or sideways. This is also because of the lack of indication of scale in these photographs.


Thursday, 18 July 2013

Research Post - Paris in the rain

Christoph Jacrot Series - Paris in the rain.

I really love the way some of these photographs are flipped to change the perspective. Its interesting how something as simple as rotating the image alters it so dramatically.