These images are my attempts at applying the techniques of my two precedents into my own images of the original photoshoot I had. I found that the first image which is trying to create a gradient of time across the image was quite difficult primarily because I do not have equal times between each photograph, but rather they were taken randomly. However it is clear to see that it is a day time to night time image.
This image below I applied what happened above to the image again, attempting to make some aspects of the image to appear as though they are in daylight where as others are at night. I thought this may be good to lead on from my previous project, creating an illusion in the space. Once again I have got not enough variety of photos to create something interesting here. Another thing with this image is that it is difficult to cut out certain aspects such as trees and it is clear that I have used a layer mask. What would help these images become successful is something to frame each element, to make it easy to cut out without making it obvious it has been photoshoped.