Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Third Photoshoot: Things to watch

When it comes to flipping the photograph I have primarily flipped it so that the wall becomes the floor rather then the ceiling. I think that if it is flipped as the one above is, yes it can look like a wall and a ceiling but the illusion is not as strong as the viewer has an unknown position with no evidence of where it is that they are standing. If this was a real space they could be standing on a ledge higher above the ground plane, but there is no indication of this in the photo making it more difficult to perceive it as an existing space.

An issue with this site in particular is the red board and netting around the war memorial, as they are currently renovating it. It is a real shame as I have to really look out for the bright red which is a huge indication of the existing space ruining the illusion. The viewers eye goes straight to the red which makes it very difficult to control their eye. This is seen from most of the stairways on the site so it is something I have to avoid. 

Another problem which I did not quite pick up on, when taking these photos, was the rubbish on the ground. It destroys the illusion as the viewers eye goes straight to it and indicates that the image has been rotated. It also ruins the perception of scale. The image itself looks like it is quite a large space, as the 'wall panels' continue out of the photo frame making it seem tall. But the rubbish reveals its true scale of being rather small.

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